About us

This would carry some description of what we do with a link to what we do and a brief text

Just to fill in the blanks or give names of people involved

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vehicula, lorem sed hendrerit auctor, sapien dolor consectetur enim, nec pharetra odio orci nec massa.

Duis suscipit elit libero, sit amet cursus ante. Mauris laoreet tellus in urna suscipit ornare. Aenean erat purus, commodo in aliquet et, aliquet at quam. Suspendisse commodo imperdiet dolor mattis scelerisque.

Perhaps there might be a brief history but some people will know it already or not want to know

Vivamus porta elementum velit vitae adipiscing. Aliquam ut sem metus. Morbi luctus dui et nisi convallis iaculis ut nec libero. Aliquam molestie, enim nec egestas pharetra, metus quam aliquet purus, eget pharetra elit enim sed velit.

History information line 1 and dates

Line 2 and dates


Technical stuff

There might be a legal or commercial reason why we do something - eg with an act of parliament or VAT

Suspendisse potenti. Mauris et nulla ut lectus luctus tristique vel quis risus. Nunc posuere mattis mi, ut iaculis ligula dictum nec. Maecenas at orci quis eros molestie eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus adipiscing risus, gravida ornare elit ullamcorper eget. Curabitur iaculis accumsan lorem id tincidunt.

Explain a bit more and give a link or two


Events and News

static images here for mobile - avoid scripts

Walk the hill

Go dancing

Walk the hill

Go dancing

Visit the shop

Remember that by shopping and attending events, you help towards the 80% of our funding that comes .... from volunteers and donations and keep up the standard of care.

Walk the hill

Go dancing

See a concert

Visit the shop

Remember that by shopping and attending events, you help towards the 80% of our funding that comes from volunteers and donations and keep up the standard of care.